Monday, March 12, 2018

Updated Schedule - Beginning of Week 3

With week 2 done, the upcoming weeks are the ones that are really going to matter.  I fell a bit behind from my original schedule from last week, not completing the storyboard.  However, having shooting locations in mind for the film opening will help me to draw out my storyboard.  I will still be updating this schedule week by week to help keep myself on task.  Stay tuned for week 4!

Week 3 - 3/12 to 3/18
  • Start on the production of my film opening, find some actors to play the people in my film.  Scout out locations of the film and get and mise-en-scene elements I might need (like clothing, props, etc.) And schedule my shooting days for the end of this week and the entirety of week 4.  (I could use the first half of week 5 but that would be cutting it close in my opinion for editing time)
  • Collect the oddball props that I may need - Not many for this opening, everything that I can think of off the top of my head would be quite easy to get my hands on or I already have it.  For the businessman character, I would like to have him wear formal attire, slacks and a long sleeve dress shirt - nothing too formal though. 
Week 4 - 3/19 to 3/25
  • This is the week before spring break. Hopefully, I can get all of my filming done over the course of this week.  This week will be strictly for filming purposes only.
    • This also the week of many tests throughout my classes - I need to budget my time wisely here.
Week 5 - 3/26 to 4/1
  • Woo Hoo Spring Break!!!  Except it couldn't have fallen out on a worse time since this is the bulk of my project - editing.  I will have to work around the oddball days of fun during this week to really get my editing tight.
Week 6 - 4/2-4/8
  • This is the time I will use to finalize and polish my masterpiece and reflect on what I have created.
Week 7 - 4/9 to 4/14
  • This is the week I will dedicate to my CCR and my final project will be posted on this blog.
  • Everything is due on that Saturday, the 14th.  

So far, I have not come across many obstacles over the course of the past two weeks, but I am bracing myself for the unforeseen problems associated with production.  This can be everything from scheduling conflicts to not having the right lighting (outside stuff - cant control the sun) and things of that nature.  Anyways, 34 days left!  Let's get this done! 

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SO the title of my film is (infinite.void);  stylized with the punctuation to make it feel more computery.  It is still just pronounced as I...