Thursday, March 1, 2018

Starting Off - Initial Thoughts

As a first thought, this will be my first blog and the first film that I will be creating.  And quite honestly, I am not sure where to begin.  Having such an open-ended project can be a blessing and a curse, depending on the type of person you are.  For me, this is a curse for quite a simple reason: I am indecisive.  However, with the time ticking away, I need to brainstorm an idea, decide which direction I will go regarding genre, and write the script.

My first thoughts are to try and recreate some sort of a satire such as This Is Spinal Tap, Idiocracy, or The Truman Show.  However, the way these movies are presented are vastly different from each other as This Is Spinal Tap is presented as a Mockumentary Satire, Idiocracy is presented as a comedic satire, and The Truman Show is presented as a dramatic satire.  Of course, all three of these movies poke fun at different areas of society but still do a great job of exposing the faults in our society and people, whether it be through the way rock stars act, the dumbing down of society, or the way the media manipulates people's lives.  

I also feel that I could go the way of a mystery genre.  It would seem easier, or at least not as difficult to create an intriguing plot for a mystery film than a satire due to the nature that a mystery will naturally draw people in faster than a satire.  Either way, I must decide and decide soon.  As of today, March 1st, I only have about 6 weeks to complete one of the largest school projects I have ever been assigned.

So let's get crackin'!  

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SO the title of my film is (infinite.void);  stylized with the punctuation to make it feel more computery.  It is still just pronounced as I...